Studio Mack
Puck van Iersel
Maarten de Bruijne

Puck van Iersel
Maarten de Bruijne

Studio Mack consists of two Dutch designers and filmmakers. Graduated together in 2019 at the Design Academy Eindhoven in the communication department.
A smile whether a grin or smirk is what we aim for. Resulting into opening your mind for a different approach and context towards our solution and message. These problems can range from self created, personal, to global or country wide disputes. We demonstrate to make the problem close and personal so each of us can identify within it. With the purpose to open your eyes and ears communicating from a design point of view which incorporates a kind of humour and beauty which you, the viewer will not forget and makes you act; socially, practically or both.
We aim to enlight, inform or illuminate a problem by using visual communication involving a dry sense of humour. You could call it absurdism or childish jokes; it will grab attention.