Project for and in collaboration with Lowlands 2022 festival
An island in the middle of the festival is fitted with a giant balloon suspended on a watch tower that acts as a beacon and guide for weary travelers to find their destination. As the castaways set a foot on land they can rest on the washed up wreckage and write a letter to their loved ones and sent as a message in a bottle.
The bottle’s that are sent are recycled water bottle’s from the festival heat pressed into a mold to fit into the standard mailbox. This process is done on the island.
The visitors are helped by a crew of dedicated POSTBEDIENDE (outpost helpers) that guide you through the process of postage and make sure the message is actualy sent through the postal services afterwards.
There is also a open letter pin up board that visitors can take a letter from a random person and place their own message to another castaway.